Well Mr. Griff has put an interesting issue out there. He states that the concealed gun holders should be allowed to carry a concealed weapon onto any college campus in case an armed gunman, who is set out to kill people, shows up on campus and goes ahead with his plan to kill people for whatever reason. I think that it is wrong to carry any weapon onto a campus full of young people who are just looking for the opportunity to be the hero. He, also, states that there has been 12 incidents in the past 27 years that a gunman has shown up on campus' with the intent to shoot and kill his fellow classmates and teachers for whatever reason. That is 2 of them per year and it is a lot of incidents that have happened. But I think that having more people carry fire arms is NOT the answer. I think that there should be a plan action with the police to prevent these occurrences from ever happening. Let us say that there was an incident on our campus and one of the licensees had a gun and tried to prevent this from happening. He tries to shoot the gunman and misses and kills another innocent bystander. How is that going to impact his/her life from that point forward? He/She will be very distraught and probably will think how this all could of been avoided. We ought allow the trained police officers of our campus to do their job and take necessary measures to end it. I think Mr. Griff has a valid, rational, and believable point but I feel it is too extreme to let the licensee to carry his/her gun onto campus.
I don't think the answer is to allow concealed hand guns by anyone. God forbid this ever happen at ACC, but if it does I would feel more safe with just the police having weapons and not just the concealed licensee having them. I think that if that person has their heart set on going on a killing spree, they are not going to care or think about those concealing a gun ready to re-act to the situation. They will still plan and carry out the attack regardless of who is carrying a gun. They do not think like that in my opinion. I think that one of the solutions is to have a set plan in place to try to re-act to this volatile situation by the police department. We should also pray like hell to not have this happen to our campus!!
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