Monday, January 30, 2012

Lost and Found

Since a severe drought has hit my home state, everyone talks about everything that has been lost.  Homes due to wildfires, cattle to dehydration and crops literally disintegrating from lack of water.  But what do you feel, when something you have lost, or in this case, SOMEONE you have lost, emerges from the lack of water?

The remains of a woman was found in a local farmer's lake, still strapped into her vehicle, due to the drought.  The farmer, and his grandsons investigated by boat, what they thought at first was a barrel, and turned out too be a car in their lake.  After local divers took a look further, they discovered the body of a woman, who had been declared missing by her family since July 2008.  Her family is finally getting closure on her disappearance after all this time. We are learning that this is less common than one would hope.  The drought is turning up all sorts of things, including the archeological remains of Native Americans, and parts of the Spaceship Columbia, which blew up in 2003.  I guess you never know what mysteries you'll find when it stops raining!

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